Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Troublemakers (Part 3)

So should we be outraged at Carlos Perez? I think so. Just as we should be outraged with Pat Oliphant. Bigotry and ethnocentrism should be confronted, especially when it's being disseminated in the media.

But, should we immediately declare Carlos Perez a racist or a bigot? Maybe he made an error in judgment and is simply misinformed about the "racial problem." In this case, how should the African-American community confront Perez? With a letter campaign to Radio Mambi asking for an apology? With a demand that Carlos Perez invite a member of the Miami-Dade NAACP on air for his next show? Maybe we should let them decide.

If you found the statements of Carlos Perez offensive, then I think you should send the Miami-Dade NAACP an e-mail to and ask them to review the comments made this past Saturday on Radio Mambi. Here's the contact information.

If you wish to contact Radio Mambi, here's the information, but I also suggest that people make the effort to directly confront Carlos Perez on his 4pm show where he regularly takes phone calls. He also mentioned that he would continue his discussion of the "racial problem" on his next show.

In this world we face a lot of stereotypes and bigotry, whatever your background, so the most important problem is having to enlighten others and raise their awareness on certain issues. If we spent most of our time condemning bigots, we wouldn't be solving our problems.

[Part 1] [Part 2]

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