Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mercenaries for Hire

So what have our local Cuban exile militants F-4 Commandos been up too lately? Well, according to the local Spanish news magazine Libre, commando leader Rodolfo Frometa was in Honduras this past August distributing important information to the country's security forces.

The article, written by Frometa himself, reports that he was on a mission, called "Mission Liberty," providing proof to the Honduran security forces of "communist infiltration paid by [Hugo] Chavez, and operated by Nicaraguans, Salvadorans, Ecuadorians, and Cubans who operate in Honduran streets to destabilize the next elections in that country."

The article also provides two photos of Frometa talking to Honduran security officials. One of the officials (photo above) shows Jose Danilo Orellana, the National Police Chief (also described as the "chief of the peace and democracy program for the National Police").

What is interesting is that Frometa states "that [the F-4 Commandos] are prepared to participate militarily in defense of the Honduran people if it is requested in case of any foreign invasion."

That's right. Libre magazine is helping to promote a local mercenary force.

It should be noted that a UN Working Group recently "voiced concern... over the influx of foreign mercenaries in Honduras since the Central American nation’s President was deposed in a military coup... the Working Group said that other sources report an armed group of 120 mercenaries originating from several countries in the region was formed to support the coup in Honduras."

It looks like the F-4 Commandos are looking for a piece of the pie in Honduras.

Last July, Frometa advised loyal readers of Libre that the F-4 Commandos have "changed some tactics... to continue working without calling too much the attention of traitors who are waiting for a single error to destroy our organization."

You can rest assured that whatever tactical changes a militant group makes, they will always be a militant group, whose errors will be due to its very nature.

[Photo by F-4 Commandos, published by Libre magazine.]

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